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Lead Positive Change

The Educational 领导 and Policy Studies Program offers degrees at the master's, educational specialist, and doctoral levels and includes learning experiences to meet state standards for the Principal and Administrator Licenses. Our Teacher 领导 Certificate 程序 and 博士小 develop leadership capacity while providing for great flexibility in career goals. We are dedicated to culturally responsive teaching and leadership in all of our 程序s, including our Native American Innovative 领导 程序.

We are fortunate to have a collaborative learning environment that emphasizes learning, teaching, and collegiality. Our faculty has a great deal of practical experience at all educational leadership levels to fully support and develop your leadership skills. We are dedicated to serving our students and ensuring your ability to lead positive change in the educational environment of your choice to improve the learning, achievement, and lives of children and communities.

Our 程序 has been nationally ranked in recent years by U.S. News and World Report and is nationally accredited by the Educational 领导 Constituent Council (ELCC). UNC is also a member of the University Council f或者艾德ucational Administration, which is the leading national association for the preparation of educational leaders and offers many networking possibilities to our graduates. Pick the ELPS 程序 for me

Native American Innovative 领导 (NAIL) Program

UNC’s NAIL 程序 is a two-year Interdisciplinary Master’s of 艺术 degree 程序 或者艾德.S. in Educational 领导 and Special Education with dual licensure as a principal and special education director. The 39 credit-hour 程序 is delivered online and focuses on preparing Native American educators to successfully lead schools that promote student achievement in a culturally responsive context, particularly schools serving Native American youth and communities. The online delivery allows participants to remain in their schools and communities while completing an advanced degree that will open a variety of doors to career advancement through the development of leadership skills and knowledge that will help create positive change in schools serving Native American youths and communities.

The 程序 is open to all Native American Educators who have completed at least one year of teaching experience as a school counselor or psychologist and are interested in assuming roles as school leaders. Non-Native educators who currently teach in reservation schools are also admitted. Learn more about the 程序.